Make Topiary Animal Shapes

Make Topiary Animal Shapes

How To Make Topiary Animal Shapes?

Topiary animal shapes are made of artificial turf in a factory . Revturf manufactures various animal topiary shapes which fullfill demands of consumers across the globe.

How To Make Animal Topiary Forms?

Animal topiary forms  are made of artificial grass after cutting and finishing  in a factory. Revturf manufactures different  animal topiaries like by consumers. Revturf  is the producer of various types of topiary products by meeting needs of consumers across the globe.

  • Rabbit Animal Topiary
  • Elephant Animal Topiary
  • Lion Animal Topiary

Where to buy animal topiary?

You can buy animal topiary from Revturf that is manufacturer of artificial  animal topiaries available with various designs, shapes and sizes.

Animal Topiary Size

H x L x W


.83M x .89M x .38M


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